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Steering Shaft Stainless Steel 3/4DD Shaft 22" Long

Stainless steel Double-D steering shaft. 3/4" Double-D full length of shaft 22" long.
Limited Supply: only 2 remaining
Pricing: $74.00


Borgeson Double-D steering shafts are available in steel stainless steel and polished stainless. The advantage to Double-D shaft is the flexibility it offers. With Double-D steering shaft it is not necessary to know your exact shaft lengths. Double-D shaft is sold in 18? 22? or 36? lengths and can be easily trimmed to any length. Universal joint phasing is also fixed with DD shaft and cannot be altered


Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 2.3 lbs.
  • W4.0000” x H4.0000” x L24.0000”